Begin to write a new story for you as a stepmom. And for your family.
The details of our family dynamics are as unique as each of us. Our job is not to nail bite our way through life as a stepmom, but to learn how to navigate our own feelings and needs as well as those of the people around us.

When we begin to feel different, we act differently.
Can you imagine…


Spending less time in worry and doubt and more time in joy and connection


Bringing consistency and certainty to your life as a stepmom


Having connected relationships based on honesty and respect


Being fully seen and appreciated by those you hold most dear


Feeling empowered and in control of your time


Having capacity and energy to devote to other parts of your life beyond stepparenting

Liz Kelly. Stepmom Redefined. Coaching for Stepmoms. Meet Liz. Stepmom coach.

Book a complimentary Stepmom Exhale session.

Spend some time sharing where you’d like to be in your stepparenting. Together, we will connect around your vision and explore a pathway for creating it.

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